Energy generating products

Solar PV/ hot water system: As electricity prices rise, solar panels allow homeowners to generate energy and sell excess back to the grid. The average system costs around £5600 to install, saving up to £480 a year on energy bills, and 1.6 tonnes of carbon. The payback period is around 11 years, or 6-8 years with a storage battery. This doesn’t include the rise in property value associated with installing solar panels, too!

Heat pumps: Heat pumps capture heat from the outside air or ground, and use it to heat a home. Installation costs start at £8000 (less with government grants), saving £6,700 over its lifetime, and 23 tonnes of carbon, with a 12 year payback.

Battery storage: Storing renewable energy in a battery saves it for when demand outweighs supply. A solar battery system starts at £6000, saving around £770 per year on energy costs, and increasing the carbon savings from solar PV, with a 12 year payback.

Wind turbines: Wind turbines convert the power of the wind into electricity - the more wind, the more energy! Average costs are around £31000, saving around £610 per year on energy bills and 1.9 tonnes of carbon. Since costs are currently high, the payback period is around 50 years.

Data for cost savings dates quickly, and does not take into consideration multiple systems working together, like a solar panel system with a battery. Getting realistic data for your property from a supplier is the best way to know how much you could be saving.