Pros of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods

Reduced traffic congestion:

LTNs aim to create safer and more pleasant neighbourhoods by limiting through-traffic. This reduction in vehicles helps ease traffic congestion, making streets more accessible for pedestrians and cyclists.

Improved air quality:

With fewer vehicles on the road, LTNs contribute to a decrease in air pollution levels. This positive impact on air quality can lead to numerous health benefits for residents, particularly for those with respiratory issues. Less air pollution and traffic can also have a huge benefit for local wildlife, helping our local nature to thrive.

Enhanced safety for pedestrians and cyclists:

By limiting traffic, LTNs create safer environments for pedestrians and cyclists, encouraging active modes of transportation. This can contribute to a sense of community and increased physical activity among residents - a study by TFL found that LTNs lead to a 50% reduction in road traffic accidents, making roads 3-4 times safer on average.

Promotion of sustainable transportation:

LTNs often complement efforts to promote sustainable transportation options such as walking, cycling, and public transit. This shift away from reliance on personal vehicles aligns with broader environmental and climate goals.

Increased property values:

Studies have suggested that well-designed LTNs can have a positive impact on property values. The improved quality of life and the appeal of living in a neighbourhood with reduced traffic can make these areas more desirable for potential homebuyers.