
Insulation is one of the most effective ways to improve your home’s energy efficiency, and therefore its EPC rating. Without adequate insulation, a significant amount of heat can be lost through your walls, floors and roof.

Here are some key areas to focus on:

  • Loft Insulation: Since hot air rises, insulating your loft can significantly reduce heat loss. Consider installing at least 270mm of insulation material - this can make a big difference to your heating bill, too!

  • Cavity Wall Insulation: If your home was built after the 1920s, it is likely to have cavity walls. Filling these cavities with insulation can greatly improve energy efficiency. It’s also relatively cheap, averaging around £370 - £500 for a typical UK home. However, this is not always appropriate for your home, especially if it has a narrow cavity like most 1930-1950s properties. If you have an EPC, it should tell you if this is the case - installing caivty wall insulation in homes that are not appropriate can cause condensation and mould. Homes in high wind-driven areas or with damaged walls are not advised to get cavity wall insulation.

  • Solid Wall Insulation: For homes with solid walls, insulation can be added internally or externally to prevent heat loss.

  • Floor Insulation: Insulating floors can also make a big difference, particularly in homes with suspended floors.

It is a shame to waste energy heating air in your home only to have it leak outside, so make your home as airtight as possible to get the most of our your home heating!

Reduce heat loss by sealing up draughts around doors, windows and floors, and upgrading to double or even triple glazed windows - look for windows with a low U-value, as this indicates better insulation. You could also look at blocking off old unused fireplaces to eliminate drafts.