
In most homes, heating accounts for a large portion of energy use and therefore its EPC rating. Upgrading to an energy-efficient heating system can not only improve your EPC rating, but also reduce your energy bills.

Here are a few options:

  • Condensing Boilers: These are highly efficient and can significantly reduce your energy consumption.

  • Heat Pumps: Air source or ground source heat pumps are a sustainable alternative to traditional gas or electric heating systems, and are three times more efficient than boilers. Heat pumps cost anywhere from £7,000 to over £30,000 to buy and install, depending on the size of your home and type of heat pump, but with the Government’s Boiler Upgrade Scheme you could get £7500 towards the cost.

  • Underfloor Heating: This can be more efficient than traditional radiators, particularly when used with renewable energy sources.

  • Smart Thermostats: Investing in a smart thermostat allows you to control your heating more effectively, ensuring you only use energy when you need it.

When you install a new boiler, your EPC rating could rise by as much as 40 points. The minimum EPC rating is 39, so getting a new boiler could help you reach the required standard, even if you don't do anything else.

If you get your hot water from a tank, you might want to consider improving its insulating jacket. For best results, aim for around 60mm to 80mm thick. Depending on how much you add, you could see savings of around £50 per year in electricity bills, and a few points toward your property’s EPC rating.