Collaborate as a community

A growing number of communities across the UK are coming together to tackle climate change through local action, with over 5000 community groups launching new energy initiatives in the last five years. 

Examples of community group action include installing community-owned solar panels, wind turbines and hydroelectric generators, collectively switching to greener energy suppliers, and mass installation of renewable heating options and insulation. 

South West Net Zero Hub offers advice for low carbon energy projects across the region, as well as providing guidance on feasibility, planning applications and funding available for community projects.

Bath & West Community Energy is a member organisation which aims to develop clean local energy projects to benefit communities in Bath and the surrounding area, such as solar power for schools and community groups - find out more about the fund and apply here.

You can also read more about a real-life example of community energy with our inspiring story on Ambition Lawrence Weston, who have worked together to fund a community-owned onshore wind turbine.