Is my home suitable for solar panels?

Generally, solar panels can work on most homes. However, there are a few things to consider. 

A roof space that faces south will generate the most energy; a south-west or west roof can also be suitable (though will generate less power). A sloping roof is the best place to mount solar panels, though it’s still possible on flat roofs with the help of some specialist fittings.

Ideally, your roof needs to be unshaded between 10am and 4pm, so check if trees, telegraph poles or other buildings cast a shadow on your roof during the middle part of the day.  

Your roof should be in good condition to support the panels, and it’s worth making any necessary repairs before getting solar panels fitted. 

Lastly, you’ll need a decent amount of roof space to get the most energy from your panels, with an average household system taking up around 20m2.

Solar panels do not require planning permission, as they fall under permitted development for most homes. If you have a flat roof, or you’re in a conservation area, it’s best to check with your local council before moving ahead.