How does community-owned wind power work?

We're all keen to lower our household bills, as well as our impact on the environment, but solar panels can be a costly investment - and with supply limited to daylight hours, we need additional sources of electricity. 

Neighbourhoods across the UK are joining a new movement to generate their own renewable energy through community-owned wind power. 

Community-owned wind power is where wind turbines are owned by local residents and community groups, from farmers to schools. Everyone within the scheme invests in shares in the project, which means that they're able to enjoy the benefit of the electrcity it produces. 

The benefits don't stop there; community energy projects also help the local economy, by creating jobs and attracting more local investment, as well as increasing awareness of the need for rene 

In 2021, community owned wind projects across the UK generated a total of 113 megawatts of electricity - with 1 megawatt enough to power around 800 homes!