Accessible charging

Whilst the number of public chargers available has increased by 35% since July 2021, this doesn’t solve the problem for many vehicle users… 

Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles (WAVs) are one of the many types of vehicle which is looking towards a greener, electric future. WAVs typically feature ramped or lift access to the rear or side of the vehicle, requiring extra space around the vehicle. Creating charging stations which are specifically designed for eletric WAVs will allow people with disabilities to charge their vehicle independently, without relying on fossil fuels.

Barriers include kerbs and bollards, which don’t allow people who use wheelchairs or mobility aids to get close enough to the charging unit. If the interface of the charging unit is too high, it’s also not possible to use it from a seated position. 

Ensuring that all public EV charging points are accessible for people with disabilities is vital. This includes ensuring that EV charging bays are the same size as disabled parking bays, keeping them open and accessible for all, as well as developing public charging spaces with accesibility in mind. Following detailed research, a new British accessiblity standard for EV charging points has been revealed by Designability in collaboration with Motability to make EV chargers more accessible for wheelchair users - read more here.

You can find out more about electric WAVs through Motability.