A business imperative

Many organisations of all sizes are now focused on energy resiliency, driven by their interest in risk management and mitigation operationally, as well as climate commitments.

Corporations in the South West who have committed to Environmental/Social/Governance (ESG) targets want to use renewable energy - but given that only 11% of energy across the West of England’s combined authority area is renewable, this is challenging.

With the rising cost of carbon credits and offsetting practices, the risks for businesses that do not invest in decarbonisation will increase and may damage long term reputations.

In light of these key drivers, Action Net Zero is focused on collectively driving change by addressing some of the critical barriers which we know exist:

1. Lack of quality of knowledge and understanding of proven products for adoption

2. Lack of awareness regarding different funding models

3. Supply chain decarbonisation challenges

4. Skill shortages affecting growth in the green economy, regionally focused

5. Power infrastructure and connectivity challenges to support decarbonisation of energy

6. Influencing local and national governments to support accelerated action on Ofgem and planning reforms.