Green energy supply

If none of the options above are feasible, choosing a green energy provider still plays a part in funding clean energy generation.

When choosing a supplier, it’s important to be aware that not all energy providers supplying renewable energy are as green as they claim to be.

Many providers still include a small percentage of fossil fuels as part of their green tariff fuel mix, which is often “balanced” through carbon offsetting activities. In addition, energy providers can buy a green certificate, known as a REGO (Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin) for every 1000 units of renewable electricity they purchase from their energy generator. However, it is possible for providers to purchase the REGO certificate without having to prove the energy they’ve bought is renewable!

While energy providers are still a little way off being able to offer 100% renewable gas, it is possible to find a provider that offers 100% renewable electricity. The important thing to remember here is to look at the fuel mix of the tariff you’re on or thinking about switching to carefully. You can read more about ‘good’ energy here.