What is Energy Efficiency-as-a-Service?

Energy Efficiency-as-a-Service, or EEaaS, is a service delivered by SMARTech energy to help organisations reduce energy consumption by removing the barriers to implementing an Energy Efficiency drive. SMARTech energy delivers guaranteed and verified energy efficiency and savings for medium and large organisations across the UK, with the vision of building an energy-efficient, low-carbon future.

While many businesses want to reduce their energy use and improve their sustainability credentials, many cannot commit to the capital expenditure or lease costs of expensive low-energy technology projects - this is where EEaaS can help to show you the best options for your business, and deliver them in an affordable way. 

SMARTech energy partners with businesses on long-term contracts to create a bespoke energy reduction strategy. 

SMARTech energy manages the purchasing of specialist low-carbon technologies, project management, installation and ongoing maintenance of an energy efficiency programme, and also takes on any risks - whether that’s ongoing performance or maintenance issues. 

Energy savings are then measured and verified using the International Performance Measurement Verification Protocol (IPMVP); this protocol sets out baselines, site data and utility calculations to show true savings. As part of a long-term partnership, this allows the EEaaS programme to guarantee success in reducing energy consumption, costs and carbon.