The impact on us and our environment

The loss of biodiversity in the West of England has far-reaching consequences for both the environment and for us. Biodiverse ecosystems are more stable and resilient to disturbances like climate change, disease outbreaks and invasive species - so less biodiversity increases the risk of ecosystems collapsing, which then harms natural processes like water and air purification, soil formation, pollination and climate regulation. 

For humans, declining biodiversity affects our food security, as biodiversity is essential for agricultural productivity, pollination and natural pest control. Industries that depend on biodiversity, like agriculture, forestry, fisheries and tourism, may experience losses, impacting employment opportunities. 

Additionally, the loss of biodiversity in the West of England can lead to the erosion of cultural values and traditions tied to nature, as well as impacting our wellbeing, and increasing our vulnerability to natural disasters and climate change.